How to Full Screen a Game on PC: A Step-by-Step Guide

3 min readSep 1, 2023


Are you looking for a hassle-free way to enhance your gaming experience? Learning how to full screen a game on PC can make a significant difference in your gameplay. Whether you’re a casual gamer or a dedicated enthusiast, maximizing your screen real estate can immerse you in the virtual world like never before. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the simple steps to achieve a full-screen gaming experience on your PC.

How to Full Screen a Game on PC

How to Full Screen a Game on PC: A Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Launch the Game
The first step to enjoying a game in full-screen mode is to launch the game you want to play. Locate the game’s shortcut icon on your desktop or open it through your preferred game launcher.

Step 2: Access Graphics Settings
Once the game is running, you’ll need to access the graphics settings. Look for an “Options,” “Settings,” or “Graphics” menu within the game’s user interface. This is where you’ll find the controls to adjust the display settings, including the screen mode.

Step 3: Select Full-Screen Mode
In the graphics settings menu, locate the option for screen mode. Typically, you’ll have three options: Full Screen, Windowed, and Borderless Windowed. Choose the “Full Screen” option to enable the game to take up the entire screen without any borders or distractions.

Step 4: Apply and Confirm Changes
After selecting the Full-Screen mode, remember to apply the changes. Some games might require you to confirm the changes before they take effect. Once you’ve applied the settings, the game will switch to full-screen mode, providing you with an immersive gaming experience.

FAQs about Full-Screen Gaming on PC

Q1: Why is Full-Screen Mode Preferred for Gaming?
A1: Full-screen mode eliminates any potential distractions from your desktop or taskbar, allowing you to focus solely on the game. It can also enhance the visual experience by utilizing the entire screen’s real estate.

Q2: Can I Alt-Tab Out of a Full-Screen Game?
A2: Yes, you can still use the Alt-Tab shortcut to switch between the game and other applications while in full-screen mode. However, it’s important to note that some older games might not handle Alt-Tabbing as smoothly as modern titles.

Q3: How Do I Exit Full-Screen Mode?
A3: To exit full-screen mode, you can press the “Alt” and “Enter” keys simultaneously. This will switch the game back to windowed mode. Alternatively, you can access the graphics settings within the game and choose a different screen mode.

Mastering the art of full-screen gaming on your PC is a quick and simple way to elevate your gaming experience. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily switch your favorite games to full-screen mode and enjoy them to the fullest. Embrace the immersive environment, eliminate distractions, and get ready to embark on epic virtual adventures like never before.

For more in-depth tips and tricks related to gaming and PC setup, check out [this guide]( Your journey to a captivating gaming experience starts here!

